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The Welcome Home Building Company

Mission Statement:

To, responsibly, provide home ownership opportunity to Boston's working families and individuals.

Affordable Apartment Units: The Low Hanging Fruit of Urban Planners

Today, every government, quasi-government and social action housing community member swoons at the mention of creating additional, affordable apartments in Boston. Think about it; inner-city streets lined with towering structures filled to capacity with subsidized apartments. A noble objective to be sure but, shouldn't these housing plans, also, serve to incentivize the working poor?

For many Boston wage earners, the thought of occupying a subsidized apartment unit for the remainder of their life is not the motivational factor that causes them to commit to working long hours, every day. The fact is, they want to create a better home life for their loved ones.Given the high cost associated with home ownership in Boston, most wage earners acknowledge that it is a struggle to maintain a sense of optimism about their future housing options. Every hard working man and woman should expect that their hard work and good citizenship will, eventually, afford them an equity share in the American dream of home ownership.

At the Welcome Home Building Company (WHBC), we agree. In fact, we would argue that the present day, standardized criteria employed in evaluating the investment of public and private resources into income eligible, residential and/or mixed use community developments is, in part, counterproductive to the better interests of the communities in which these projects are located. Obvious and unanswered questions persist as to why, so significant a component of Boston's tax paying citizenry has been largely ignored in the evaluation protocol. We, at the Welcome Home Building Company, endeavor to address this disservice.

The WHBC Process:

Our strategy is simple and requires the coming together of three (3) key ingredients for the success of any WHBC project. These are:

  • A city or municipality that is motivated to increase it's tax revenue base.
  • A Boston resident who is a qualified head of household or individual having, at least, five (5) years of steady, gainful employment, and
  • An approved Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) lending partner that offers 70-75% loan to value (LTV) construction to permanent financing.

To learn more about the Welcome Home Building Company and/or this opportunity, please contact us at (781)261-9990 or via email:

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